Texts, Contexts & Performances from Pre-Modern to Contemporary India
Texts, Contexts & Performances from Pre-Modern to Contemporary India
Friday 17th May 2024
Centre d’Etudes Sud-Asiatiques et Himalayennes (CESAH), Paris-Aubervilliers
International Conference online in memory of Prof. Alexander Mikhailovitch Dubiansky and Dr. Joanna Kusio
Organisation : Tiziana LEUCCI (CNRS, CESAH, LAP, Paris-Aubervilliers, Conservatoire ‘Gabriel Fauré’, Les Lilas-Est-Ensemble) and Margherita TRENTO (EHESS, CESAH, Paris-Aubervilliers) »,
Literary texts in India were rarely born on a written support (palm-leaf or paper), and even more rarely remained on the page of the manuscripts or printed editions where we are accostumed to seeing them today. Throughout the subcontinent, literature has been recited, sung, performed and reused in innumerable places and occasions, from village and court performances and storytelling, to cinema and television series, that are part of the ways in which texts have been “read”, “depicted”, “interpreted” and “staged” over the centuries. In this conference, in hommage to the memory of two eminent Indologists and Tamil scholars, the late Prof. Alexander Mikhailovitch Dubiansky (Lomonossov Moscow State University, Russia) and Dr. Joanna Kusio (University of Warsaw, Poland), we will trace precisely